HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is a fundamental language used in web development. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages and is a cornerstone of web technologies, making it a key subject in your web-related courses. HTML allows you to structure the content of a web page by using various elements and tags.

In essence, HTML is responsible for defining the structure of a webpage, including headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, forms, and more. It uses a hierarchical structure to organize content, with elements enclosed in tags that specify how the content should be displayed. This content can include text, multimedia, and other web-related resources.

We created following lessons for this course. You can see each lesson by clicking on respective link.

Sr. No.Lessons TitleLinks
1Basic Structure and Run the CodeRead Lesson
2Text ElementsRead Lesson
3Lists Read Lesson
4LinksRead Lesson
5ImagesRead Lesson
6Inline and Block ElementsRead Lesson
7TablesRead Lesson
Table 1: Basic Lessons for HTML Course
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