
If you know some basic knowledge about JavaScript language, you can practice your knowledge by implement following projects.

Sr. No.Projects TitleLinks
1To-Do List AppSee Detail
2CalculatorSee Detail
3CounterSee Detail
4Random Quote Generator See Detail
5Basic Form ValidationSee Detail
6Interactive QuizSee Detail
7Image Slider See Detail
8Weather AppSee Detail
9Interactive MenuSee Detail
10Interactive Map See Detail
11Image GallerySee Detail
12Timer/StopwatchSee Detail
13Basic AnimationSee Detail
14Interactive CalendarSee Detail
15Hangman GameSee Detail
16Rock, Paper, ScissorsSee Detail
17Currency ConverterSee Detail
18Meme GeneratorSee Detail
19Music PlayerSee Detail
20Random Password GeneratorSee Detail
Table 1: List of some basic projects for JavaScript
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