
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that simplifies and accelerates the process of building user interfaces for web applications. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, which provide pre-designed components, Tailwind CSS focuses on providing a set of utility classes that can be applied directly to HTML elements. This utility-first approach allows developers to rapidly construct and style web interfaces while maintaining a high degree of customization.

Tailwind CSS has gained popularity among web developers for its simplicity and flexibility. It allows developers to quickly iterate on design and easily create custom user interfaces. While it may have a steeper learning curve compared to traditional CSS frameworks, it offers a highly efficient way to work with CSS, especially for those who prefer a more utility-driven and modular approach to styling web applications.

We created following lessons for this course. You can see each lesson by clicking on respective link.

Sr. No.Lesson TitleLinks
1Integration of Tailwind with ReactRead Lesson
2Example CodesRead Lesson
Table 1: List of some basic lessons for Tailwind CSS

Exercise 1

You can see detail about the exercise by clicking on following button. Solve this exercise by using Tailwind CSS.

Exercise 2; Cloning Facebook Login Page

Create a clone page for Facebook login page.

Exercise 3; Cloning Microsoft Home Page

Create a clone page for Microsoft home page.

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